So many of us are focused on having healthy a lifestyle, we easily overlook the basics that can help us have that. Here we are going to look at 10 of those things, which are really common sense, but over looked all the same:
1. Water: Health experts tell us that we need no less than eight to ten 8 ounce glasses daily. This doesn’t all come from just glass after glass of water. It can come from the beverages and foods you consume as well. A rule-of-thumb is drink an 8 ounce glass of before each meal. Sometimes that feeling of hunger is dehydration.
2. Fruit: The daily recommendation of having plenty of fresh fruits doesn’t have to be at meal time. Grabbing a piece of fruit between meals is recommended too.
3. Protein: Each meal should have protein included such as beans, fish and red meat. If you can’t eat a full meal, there are protein bars and protein shakes that are good for your body too.
4. Avoid: The foods you should cut back on or avoid altogether are instant oatmeal, potatoes of any kind and white breads. These things turn to sugar quickly and your body can’t absorb and process it fast enough.
5. Exercise: A regular routine of exercise is necessary for healthy living. If you do not have an exercise routine now, it’s never too late. Start slow and with something you’ll enjoy so you don’t mind doing it again.
6. Vegetables: A healthy daily diet should include dark vegetables which are rich in nutrients.
7. Smaller: Smaller meals and snacking in between every 2 to 3 hours is healthier than eating 3 full meals a day with no snacking. Your meals should still be balanced and your snacking should be healthy options.
8. Fatty: A balanced diet includes the correct proportions of fatty acids which can be found in ground up flax seed. Add it to your foods and topping your cereal with it is great source of fiber.
9. Fiber: High fiber diets will lower your cholesterol level and makes you feel full, thus you eat less. Foods like fibrous veggies, legumes and whole grains are great sources for this.
10. Nuts: To get that fatty acid intake, enjoy a handful of raw nuts and seeds once a day. As strange as it may sound, eating fatty acids actually burns off fat. They also help your hair, nails and skin too.
See, these are simple things that you can do. Some adjustments to your current diet with these ten steps can do a lot for your body, mind and mood. And when all that is in a good place and you have improved your overall health, you’ll start to notice a change in your lifestyle too.