by adminin Healthy Living, Workouts0 commentstags: adverse symptoms, bowel transit, connection to microorganisms, digestive issue, exercise for gut microbiome, exercise on regular basis, gut microbiome, gut microbiome in good form, gut microbiome in good shape
The bugs in our guts are influenced by the kind of food that we eat and the kind of diet that we maintain. The way we live has a direct connection to the microorganisms that are present in our body, so can we actually keep these gut microbiome in our body in a solid shape? Well yes, you can use the power of exercise to do so, let’s take a look at how it can be achieved – •If you don’t exercise on a regular basis then it’s high time you start it. Mild exercising like walking or jogging 30 minutes a day will help you. •If you are feeling comfortable with this then you can increase the intensity and make it to an hour per day. But keep an eye on any kind of adverse symptoms, if you notice any its time to cut back on their intensity. •Make sure you keep it regular. If you stop exercising then the microbiome in your body reverts back to the old state that it was in. so all of your efforts are basically wasted. •Test the time of your bowel transit. Notice if it Increases with exercise. If you want to […]