Exercising in winter might be a tough one for some people. That’s why we’re bringing fitness expert Amin Attallah to help us keep moving in this cold weather!
Staying active and working out throughout the year is a lifelong, important journey. But we can’t deny that sometimes it could be hard to follow through or stay motivated especially on cold days when all you want to do is stay warm and cozy with reruns of your favorite TV show playing for hours on end. This, naturally, puts a dent in our motivation and workout routine.
Of course, what you’re feeling is normal and skipping a few days of your fitness journey isn’t a big deal. But that’s why we’re here with Amin Attallah, a HIIT athlete and fitness champ who’s been named Jordan’s fittest man for more than 6 years in a row! He’s giving us 4 helpful tips on how to work out in the winter and keep our bodies agile, active, and on the up and up, even if temperatures are way down!
#1 Focus on the mind and make the cold weather your challenge
Remember that hard conditioning creates strong people. So, take the cold weather as a motivation to get you stronger.
#2 Invest in your fitness social circles
Always create a good and motivating environment to motivate you to go and train, such as having an exercise partner.
#3 Warm up your engines and give your body the time it needs to do so
Increase your warmup time until you feel all your joints and muscles are ready to train. In cold weather, you need more warmup time.
#4 Remember mental toughness
The goal behind working out is to be mentally and physically strong. One way to get mentally stronger is by pushing yourself to train under less than ideal conditions, like heading to the gym in plummeting temperatures or even going for a run in the rain.
And there you have it! These were some of the tips from Amin that, if followed, can help you stay motivated, active, and committed to your fitness journey, even on the coldest of days!