Five minutes a day may be all it takes to add healthy years to your life, a longevity specialist says.
While some exciting discoveries in longevity involve complex science or cutting-edge tech, there’s also evidence that simple everyday habits can help extend your life and improve your health, says Dr. Kien Vuu, a physician who specializes in antiaging and regenerative medicine.
“The good news is there are daily routines that can have a significant impact on how long we live,” he told Business Insider.
Making simple, intentional changes to your routine — such as exercise, sleep, and mindfulness — can help improve your well-being in the short term and extend your life without taking up much time, Vuu says.
Save time and improve your odds of success with habit stacking
Vuu says a helpful approach for making healthy changes is a technique named habit stacking. Rather than starting a new habit from scratch, you combine it with an existing part of your routine to help it stick.
“It’s easier to create a habit when you add it onto something you’re already doing,” he said.
Potential triggers for a new habit include picking up your phone, having a coffee, or even taking a bathroom break. You can link existing habits to healthy changes, such as a quick exercise session, a moment of deep breathing, and more.
Get the benefits of mindfulness on a busy schedule with ‘micro-meditations’
A growing body of evidence suggests mindfulness and meditation are linked to lower stress and, over time, better mental and physical health.
But meditation doesn’t have to mean 30 minutes of perfect Zen in the lotus pose.
You can begin to practice clearing your mind and focusing on the present moment in less than a minute with a “micro-meditation,” Vuu says. One technique is a simple exercise of focusing on your breath as you inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of seven, and exhale for a count of eight.
Vuu says he does this small meditation every time he goes through a doorway to help him stay calm, centered, and intentional.
“It’s checking in — am I letting the monkey mind take over, or am I really controlling how I show up?” he said.
Fit in a 5-minute workout
Regular exercise may be one of the best antiaging tools available, research suggests. Recent studies have found even short bursts of physical activity can pay off.
Taking a few minutes to get moving can also help you be more focused and productive at work, Vuu says — and there’s evidence to prove it.
“I never suggest people work on something without breaks,” he said. “Just 5 minutes will get your energy going.”
Vuu says his morning routine involves qigong, a practice of gentle exercise, mindfulness, and breathwork.
But you can also benefit from exercise breaks throughout the day whenever you want to clear your head or give yourself a boost. Try movements such as squats, wall sits, or a brisk walk.
If you struggle to get enough sleep, focus on timing instead of just hours in bed
It’s no secret that sleep is a cornerstone of health. While finding more hours in the day for extra shut-eye can be tough, focusing on consistency may improve your sleep even if you can’t necessarily spend extra time in bed.
“The best thing you can do for your sleep schedule is to make sure you go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even on the weekend,” Vuu said.
A recent study found a regular sleep schedule may be even more important than how long you sleep when it comes to overall health and longevity.
Instead of scrolling, reach out to two people you care about
Emerging research suggests that social interaction is a key part of what helps some people live much longer, healthier lives. Some studies have found loneliness can be as risky for your health as smoking cigarettes.
To stay connected on a busy schedule, Vuu recommends replacing a session of scrolling on your phone with sending a quick message to two people who matter in your life, thanking them for something or letting them know how much they mean to you.
Finding small moments to connect can raise your levels of oxytocin, a hormone related to social bonding behavior, with research-backed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Start a simple gratitude practice while you brush your teeth
Another simple way to reduce stress and improve mental health is to start a gratitude practice. Start by listing off three things that you’re grateful for — they can be as simple as the smell of your morning coffee or as significant as the health of your family, Vuu says.
Over time, small gratitude lists can help you become more mindful and appreciative of the world around you.
“It’s almost like a muscle we can train,” he said.
Research suggests that gratitude not only improves mental health but can also protect your physical health through factors such as reducing blood pressure.
Take a moment to remember what matters in your life
The final habit Vuu recommends is less of a single action and more of a mindset, but it can bring big benefits in a short amount of time.
Evidence suggests having a sense of purpose in life is key to living longer, and Vuu says you can start by spending a little time every day thinking about what you’re passionate about.
“The things you do in your life that make you feel most alive cause biochemical changes that extend your life,” he said. “This can be a really powerful framework to not only add more years to your life, but more life to your years.”