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Here we list some healthy snacks you can have before bed to fight those midnight cravings. It’s normal to feel hungry before bed or crave a late-night snack. This can happen due to several reasons, such as having an early dinner, engaging in evening activities that increase your energy expenditure, or even due to hormonal fluctuations that affect hunger and satiety signals. Eating a small, healthy snack can help prevent waking up hungry in the middle of the night and support a better night’s sleep. Read on as we list some healthy snacks you can have before bed to fight those midnight cravings. 10 Easy and healthy snacks to curb late-night cravings: 1. Greek yogurt with berries Simply scoop some Greek yogurt into a bowl and top with fresh or frozen berries. Greek yogurt is high in protein, which helps you feel full longer and supports muscle repair. Berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fibre, aiding digestion and boosting immune function. 2. Apple slices with peanut butter Slice an apple and spread a bit of peanut butter on each slice and it will be ready in minutes. Apples provide fibre and vitamins, especially vitamin C. […]
by adminin Mind & Body0 comments
Every single activity that the human body performs takes its orders from the brain When it comes to looking young, fit and healthy, we often hit gyms and parlours. But what about brain health? Every single activity that the human body performs takes its orders from the brain. From coordinating balance, controlling the voluntary actions and responding towards the emotions to problem-solving techniques, the human brain is responsible to take care of all the actions. Maintaining physical health is important but taking care of the brain is equally necessary. Taking cognisance of these facts, the discourse around brain health has increased in the recent past. Good brain health is a key to a long and healthy life. It is a state where faculties of the brain such as reaction time, memory and judgement work efficiently. So here are some tips you can follow to maintain your brain health with the impact of ageing. Brain exercises: physical exercise is great for both body and mind but challenging yourself for mental exercise can improve your brain functioning. Research shows that brain exercises can help in generating new nerve cells. Leading physicians say that reading, crossword puzzles and word problems all contribute […]
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Children’s health tips: Pulling children away from junk food and excessive screen time can feel challenging. However, involving them in cooking nutritious meals, making healthy habits fun, and including play while teaching the importance of regular sleep and physical activity can make a world of difference. Here are small, interactive steps that can help make lasting positive changes in their lifestyle. The effects of a sedentary lifestyle in children go unnoticed in the beginning. However, the symptoms slowly start to show. Drooping shoulders as they stare non-stop at screens, feeling breathless even after a short run, or frequent complaints of feeling tired after little activity, are all signs of poor lifestyle that will eventually trigger a spate health complications. If not addressed, these habits can lead to long-term issues like obesity, weak muscles, and anxiety and depression issues, says Dr Dhiren Gupta, Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy Specialist, Sir Ganga Ram hospital, Delhi. “This lack of physical activity among children today is deeply concerning and a major contributor to lifestyle-related illnesses. It is important for parents to inculcate simple, consistent habits in their children, which can make a positive difference to their health,” he says. Dr Gupta suggests some […]
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As the winter season approaches, staying healthy is the top priority to keep away the common cold, flu and seasonal fatigue. Cold climate, dry air and staying outdoors can make us prone to seasonal illness. Moreover, the winter season can challenge the immune system, energy levels and mood, making it vital to adopt a healthy lifestyle that triggers resilience and vitality. Here we have curated six effective ways to help you maintain peak health status during the winter months. 6 Effective Strategies To Prevent Winter Illness Prioritize Immune-Boosting Foods Your diet plays a key role in bolstering immunity. Add a whole lot of nutrient-rich foods, especially those high in vitamin C, zinc, and antioxidants, which help ward off infections, and pathogens and keep your immune system robust. Include these winter foods in your meal regimen: Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits) Dark leafy greens (kale, spinach) Ginger and garlic for their anti-inflammatory properties Nuts and seeds like almonds and sunflower seeds for zinc Warm soups and broths for nourishment and comfort These foods can help you fight seasonal infections and stay energized throughout the day. Exercise Regularly We all love to stay curled up indoors, but maintaining an […]
by adminin Workouts0 comments
For most of us, heading into a gym can lead to confusion about what exercises to do. If you want to change the shape of your body, can selecting certain exercises really work? Once we reach adulthood, our bone structure and proportions are largely fixed. Essentially, the length of your collar bones versus the size of your pelvis, and the length of your body compared to the length of your legs are big factors in determining proportions and aesthetic beauty. However, we can use exercise to enhance our body shape and appearance, as well as increase muscle and bone strength. Fat and muscle We cannot physiologically change fat to muscle. For example, although doing lots of repetitions squeezing your knees together on a hip adductor machine creates a feeling of using this muscle group, it will not burn the fat deposits off the targeted area. What will occur is that with training, the muscles become stronger and larger, which may be contrary to what many women may be trying to achieve in attempting to sculpt leaner-looking legs. Another example is trying to burn off excessive abdominal fat, which increases the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart […]
by adminin Mind & Body0 comments
Many see smiling simply as an involuntary response to things that bring you joy or inspire laughter. While this is undoubtedly true, it overlooks an important point: Smiling can be a conscious, intentional choice. What does psychology say about smiling? Whether your smile is genuine or not, it can affect your body and mind in various positive ways, benefiting your health, your mood, and even the moods of people around you. 1. Smiling Helps You Live Longer Perhaps the most compelling reason to smile is that it may lengthen your overall lifespan. One study found that genuine, intense smiling is associated with longer life. Happy people seem to enjoy better health and longevity, but more research is needed to understand why. Research indicates that happiness could increase lifespan by years—suggesting maintaining a happy, positive mood may be an important part of a healthy lifestyle. 2. Smiling Relieves Stress Stress can permeate our entire being, including showing up in your face and expression. Smiling not only helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed, but it can actually help decrease stress. Believe it or not, smiling can reduce stress even if you don’t feel like smiling […]
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Stay healthy this winter with 6 tips on boosting immunity and well-being With winter close upon us, it’s easy to stay busy with holiday planning. But amid all the celebrating, make sure to take care of your health, too. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, wintertime can be a blow to your health. You could easily catch the common cold, the flu, pneumonia and much more during that time of year. Plus, the cold weather and dark hours can impact your mental health for the worse. If you want to stay healthy — both mentally and physically — this winter, try these tips. How can I improve my health in the winter? Try these 6 healthy habits 1. Boost your immunity in winter There’s a reason we get sick in winter — it’s germ season. Luckily, there are steps you can start taking now to ensure that you stay healthy. According to Harvard Health, “Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle.” You can boost your immune system by: Eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Getting enough sleep. Keeping your stress levels low. Staying up-to-date on your vaccinations. Exercising at least three […]
by adminin Workouts0 comments
This is a common question among athletes. Muscle cramps are involuntary, intensely painful muscle contractions that nearly every athlete has experienced at some point. Some people experience them often and simply seem to be prone to muscle cramps. What Can You Do? Cramps usually hit at the end of intense workouts or during endurance events because fatigued muscles are more likely to cramp. Novice athletes are more likely to have cramps as they fatigue more quickly than seasoned exercisers. If you carefully progress your workouts, you will avoid unnecessary cramps. Heat, and not being used to the heat, also increases the frequency of cramps. When the seasons change and summer arrives, ease into workouts in the heat. Additionally, carefully plan your fluids, electrolytes and carbohydrate intake to help avoid or delay muscle cramps. Are You Drinking Enough? Studies on fluids and cramps have produced mixed results. Some studies find no associations, while other show that consuming fluids and electrolytes to avoid dehydration will prevent, or at least delay, muscle cramps. The benefits of avoiding dehydration are widespread, so even if it’s not 100 percent guaranteed that you won’t cramp, consuming adequate fluids during exercise will still improve performance. […]
by adminin Mind & Body0 comments
The human brain is one of the most complex yet intriguing part of the body. With several wires and neurotransmitters connected, this is the main part that helps the body to function. What is hot what is cold is what our brains tells us. And for it to keep functioning optimally, it must be maintained properly. In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, maintaining cognitive and mental fitness has become more crucial than ever. The impact of lifestyle choices on brain health and cognitive abilities has garnered significant attention in recent years. Lifestyle (obviously) affects the brain and its functioning. From what we eat, to how we life, its all connected. Keeping the brain healthy and sharp is important to lower the risk of neurological disorders and also to maintain a young mind. got in touch with some experts to get a better comprehension about brain health. Dr. Amit Batra, Principal Consultant, Neurology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, divulged about how few lifestyle changes are important for healthy mind. Here are few lifestyle tweaks to keep a brain healthy and young and unlead its full potential. BRAIN DAY: WAYS TO KEEP BRAIN HEALTHY Get Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is a […]
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Biohacking therapies or NAD supplements? Microbiologist Venki Ramakrishnan says there are far simpler and more proven ways to age well Venki Ramakrishnan, 72, has been watching as ageing science and the hype around it has exploded. The microbiologist based in Cambridge, in the UK, is a Nobel laureate for his work on the ribosome – where our cells make proteins using the information encoded in our genes – and former president of the world’s oldest scientific academy, the Royal Society. In his new book Why We Die he writes that in the last 10 years alone, more than 300,000 scientific articles on ageing have been published, and more than 700 start-ups have invested tens of billions of dollars into ageing research. There have been some real scientific breakthroughs, deepening our understanding of the fundamental causes of ageing, Ramakrishnan says. But despite what companies that have jumped on the bandwagon will have you believe, “we’re not there yet” when it comes to translating that research into real-life treatments, he says. The global market for therapies associated with longevity and anti-senescence (senescence means biological ageing) was valued at US$25.1 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach US$44.2 billion by 2030, […]