The man who Mark Wahlberg recently called “the greatest trainer in the world” shares five exercises that will prime you for any activity
When it comes to fitness Gunnar Peterson knows what he’s talking about. The man Mark Wahlberg recently referred to as “the greatest trainer in the world” has been involved in the fitness industry for nearly three decades, is F45’s chief of athletics and has had the likes of Sylvester Stallone, Tom Brady and Mike Tyson pumping iron at his exclusive Beverly Hills gym.
Peterson’s clients train in luxury, at a place where every piece of equipment imaginable is available and the world’s greatest trainer is on hand to show you how to use it.
But just because he and his clients have access to all that equipment, that doesn’t mean it’s essential for getting a great workout in. “My gym is Hamleys,” says Peterson “It’s packed with anything and everything that you need … but I could do a whole workout with two cinderblocks and a broomstick, and I think any trainer worth their salt could as well.”
Peterson stresses that to get a great workout in you don’t need a lot, and in fact, just five exercises can get you ready for whatever life throws at you.
On their own, these five exercises are enough to build a physique that’s strong, mobile and looks good. You can find out what they are and Peterson’s reasons for choosing them, below.
- Squat down and grasp a barbell with your hands roughly shoulder-width apart. Keep your chest up, pull your shoulders back and look straight ahead as you lift the bar.
- Focus on taking the weight back onto your heels and keep the bar as close as possible to your body at all times. Lift to thigh level, pause, then return under control to the start position.
Peterson says: “It’s a big posterior chain move, so when you pack the lats to get the lift done properly, you’re lighting up everything. When it’s performed properly, it’s terrific. People worry about getting hurt during a deadlift, but I see it the other way. When it’s done properly, I think you can prevent back injuries down the line.”
- For a basic jackknife, lie on your back with your arms outstretched behind your head. Keep your arms and legs elevated off the ground a little throughout the movement.
- Contract your abs and bring your arms and legs together to meet above your midriff, before easing them back to your starting position.
Peterson says: “Jackknifes are targeting abs from origin – there’s so many variations of it, so alternating sides and adding little rotations to it. That’s important.”
Banded Rotations
- Wrap a band at chest height around a pole or fixed object and grab it with both hands. Step about 1m away and extend your arms out in front of you.
- Twist your torso until your arms have moved 90 degrees, but your hips are still facing forwards. Go back to the start position and do the same on the opposite side.
Peterson says: “If you think about all your swinging sports, whether it’s golf, baseball, cricket, lacrosse, boxing, if you overload those movements in the gym, it will only make doing those moves without the load in their respective sports easier.”
Dumbbell Squat to Twisting Press
- Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height with your elbows bent and your palms facing each other.
- Lower down into a squat position, and as you rise up, press the weights overhead and rotate your torso to one side. Lower back into a squat, then repeat the twist on the opposite side.
Peterson says: “I love adding the rotation with the press to see the challenge that gives the core and how that hits the delts. I think it’s a movement that lends to a lot of things in sport.”
Bicep Curls
- Hold two dumbbells by your thighs with you palms facing outwards.
- Use your biceps to lift the dumbbells until they are at shoulder height, then lower back down and repeat.
Peterson says: “You have to throw a curl in there because it’s curls and it’s Men’s Health, and let’s not pretend guys aren’t doing curls.”